Trouble keeping your New Year’s Resolutions? Join us as Pastor Ryan gives a different perspective.!

The 7 Steps

  1. You Sin. We all do: none of us live up to God’s glory.
  2. Then we hear the Word. God speaks to us through His word. You’ve gotta read or have it read to hear it!
  3. We’re convicted or led in righteousness. If you know Jesus, then the Holy Spirit is leading you every minute of every day. If you don’t now Jesus, then the Holy Spirit is going to make you realise that you’re a hopeless sinner.
  4. Confession. There’s some humbleness required here. We confess where we’ve failed. To God and / or to our friends.
  5. We Repent. Two steps: turn from what’s wrong AND turn towards what’s true (Jesus!)
  6. We have Faith. You can’t do this. Instead, trust that Jesus is working through you. By faith we know that we have Jesus’ righteousness. It’s not by being good that we’re ok with God. It’s by Jesus being good that we’re ok with Him.
  7. Fruit manifests in our lives. As we walk with Jesus, and draw close to Him, and allow the Holy Spirit to be at work in our lives. the natural result is change in our lives.
